Tag Archives: Mismanagement

Mis-Management Meeting Notes

tldr: Rewards committee formed. Form nonprofit organization. Continue reading


After what was surly a 36 day long erection, A2H3 finally has all its holes filled.  20 voting members were present, 3 proxy votes, and one courageous Just watching from the wings.  Unholy Nipples edged out the pack to take on the abuse that being the GrandMaster of the Anchorage Alaska Hash House Harriers entails.  Congratulations and our deepest sympathies.  Buy this man a beer the next time you see him, he’ll need it.

Comes now the new tag team duo for Haberdasher: Strumming N CumminSwoobs!  Promises were made for more great hash related products for the shiggy new year.

The pack spontaneously decided that we needed an InterAlaskaHash Committee Who Said Head and that the only person qualified to do it is Spanky The Clown.

Thanks all who came out and cast your not even remotely secret ballot.  The pack only gets stuff done with your participation.  Congrats to all of you for caring enough to make your voices heard.

Next Mis-Management Meeting will be Sunday 12/7 around 1600.  Details to follow.
Agenda (so far): Allocation of funds for InterHash and other events.
Email onsec@anchoragealaskah3.com with anything you want brought up whether or not you’re there to defend the idea.

InterAlaskaHash 2015 Review Meeting Notes

email comments, concerns and corrections to onsec@anchoragealaskah3.com

June 18-21, 2015


6/18 ThursdayMeat & Greet (Wild Game Potlatch)
Volunteers: Go Go Gadget Titties & Doktor Helga von Boobin’

6/19 Friday Red Dress Run
Volunteers: Subaru nmy HUHU (runners section)

6/20 Saturday
Morning Hash – B2H3 Ball Buster
Fat Boy Hash
Afternoon/Evening Hash
Solstice (midnight hash)
Circle (Bet He Crocked Her & Mouthy Bitch?)

6/21 Sunday

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