email comments, concerns and corrections to
June 18-21, 2015
6/18 ThursdayMeat & Greet (Wild Game Potlatch)
Volunteers: Go Go Gadget Titties & Doktor Helga von Boobin’
6/19 Friday Red Dress Run
Volunteers: Subaru nmy HUHU (runners section)
6/20 Saturday
Morning Hash – B2H3 Ball Buster
Fat Boy Hash
Afternoon/Evening Hash
Solstice (midnight hash)
Circle (Bet He Crocked Her & Mouthy Bitch?)
6/21 Sunday
(primary point of contact for making sure the thing gets done)
Hare raiser – Takes A Bigger Cock, Mandingo Massacre
InterHash Outreach – Uncle Bondage, Esq.
Web – Uncle Bondage, Esq.
Hash Central Hotel Coordinator / Grand Mattress – Subaru nmy HUHU
Graphic Design – I Want Anal *stomp*
Bar Contacts: That’s Not My Mayo… had previously volunteered. Unclear if he’s still able with his new job. Spanky and Anal volunteered to coordinate for RDR which may have lots of overlap with the larger task!
Swag/Haberdasher: IC Member had previously volunteered with Uncle Bondage assisting her seeking out vendors. Unclear if IC is still interested/willing. IC is not participating. Strongly recommended getting other kennels to help with costs. Swag for last interhash was $2500. New socks $239.
Beer Meister: Donnie The Retard who notes that Penis On The Brain has offered his beermobile a number of times.
DrunkShuttle Coordinator: Go Go Gadget Titties, Donnie The Retard, Rush Gumballz
Food For Friday Night: Go Go Gadget Titties (this may not be necessary given the only event is RDR. Probably post dinner time??? Organizing a place for everyone one to meet on their own might be cool for the outoftowners)
Food For Saturday Night: Go Go Gadget Titties
General notes and comments:
Mandingo confirmed with Popeye that he no longer had the time to volunteer for InterHash (previously bar coordination and web) but was still interested in being a vendor.
Subaru suggested the Aviation Museum as a venue for the Meat & Greet. It’s $500 to rent the place.
Rego was remembered as being $45, but that seems absurdly low. All agreed that the rego should cover all the expenses.
-IC clarified that $45 was RDR. InterHash was $75.
There was a general sentiment that it the goal of the event should be to really show off ALASKA, how unique and amazing it is. Especially for any outsiders that come up.
Wishlist – Showcase Alaska beers, work with other kennels to get beer from their local brewers.
An inquiry was made if InterAlaskaHash had been incorporated as an LLC (or some other liability shield)
Swag idea: Custom solo cups. Custom flasks
A Facebook group & page and mailing list were recommended for coordination and advertisement.
Meat & Greet tee-shirt is being planned. The value of their portion of swag money was requested so things can get started.