877th _unning “B” Trail

Who: I Want Anal* & Luuv Cannal
What : # 877th _unning “B” Trail
When: 12 September 1530hrs (3:30pm) Hares Away 1600
Where: Far North Bicentennial Park – South Bivouac Trailhead Parking lot, off of Basher Drive.
Why: Because! We want you to Be the Best “B” you can Be.

Notes, rumors, and lies:
Dress as anyone or anything that Begins with the letter “B“. Be creative! There will Be Beverages, Bears, Boobs, Buddy’s, and Bridges. Be prepared for shiggy. Bring Bug dope, Bear spray, and a whistle.
And as always, hash cash is still just 6 bucks! ($6)