When: Thursday, Sept 25th @6:45 pm
Where: Blue Fox Lounge (Tudor Rd.)
Who: Any pack members willing to shoulder great responsibility
Hello Pack,
I’d like to extend this invitation for all to attend a planning meeting to coordinate committee heads (WSH?) and members to get the formal parts of Great Alaska Interhash 2015 underway.
The dates are set, our Red Dress run will occur during interhash again this coming year. The format will generally follow along the lines of previous interhash events unless something super epic comes up. What we need now is to fill a bunch of rolls with people not only willing to volunteer but actually stick with it and follow through on the commitment. These things take a LOT of planning and effort to come off well.
Some items include finding a venue for our Thursday night meet & greet, someone to coordinate the meal. A dedicated HareRaiser for the many interhash trails, someone to contact the numerous establishments for the Red dress run. volunteers for source and assemble the swag bags. A Rego-meister, ect. This is not a complete list but should give you an idea of whats needed.
If we can get down to business and knock out the important topics this shouldn’t be a long meeting. Once the ball is rolling committee heads (WSH?) will be able to work along behind the scenes and gather help. This will end up being the first of several meetings through the next 6-7 months.
I hope to see many of you there and Thanks in advance,
Cums Solo