854th _unning

Calling all wankers, bimbos, and backsliders

Who: Schweddy Balls Of Flower
What: 854th _unning
When: Saturday, January 26th, 2019. Meet at 1420 (2:20pm) Hares Away at 1449 (2:49pm)
Where: Russian Jack Hash here
*NOTE: You can only get to the parking lot by going Southbound on Boniface from Debar
Why: Because Schweddy isn’t mushing dogs this weekend, so he’ll be m̶u̶s̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶u̶s hareing.

Notes, rumors, and lies:
A note from the hare –
“Wear spikes or boots or both. This weather is shite for mushing, skiing, and just plain walking; so commence to drinking while trudging through drifts!
Shiggy Level: 6.9 (Devil’s Club Snow Shovel)
Hashers must provide hay for their dogs and carry their own water. Hot water will not be provided. “

And as always, hash cash is still just $6!