Anchorage Alaska Hash House Harriers crawled out of the tundra in 1995 when Madonna from Saipan H3¹ deigned to grace the frozen halfminds of Los Anchorage of new ways to consume the sacred nectar. Over 25 years later we’re still going strong! Even if we can’t figure out how to string together full sentences. However, we still uphold the founding objectives:
• To promote physical fitness among our members
• To get rid of weekend hangovers
• To acquire a good thirst and to satisfy it in beer
• To persuade the older members that they are not as old as they feel
A2H3 can be found on trail every other Saturday year-round regardless of midnight sun, winter darkness, aurora, rain, snow, or rutting moose.
¹ It was listed that Bali H3 2 was the mother hash for A2H3 for many years. We received a message from Madonna in May of 2022 saying “For history, I did hash with the Bali H3 for about a month and brought Blowjoe to visit the A2h3 but Bali is Not your Mother. Saipan is.”